Wednesday, October 24, 2007

HW 24: A room of my own

Many women have a room of their own. A room where they keep their belongings and where even many secrets are kept. It’s what makes them who they are. My room here at school is very different from my room at home, “The rooms differ so completely; they are calm or thunderous; open on to the sea, or, on the contrary, give on to a prison yard; are hung with washing; or alive with opals and silks; are hard as a horsehair or soft as feathers- one has only to go into any room in any street for the whole of that extremely complex force of femininity to fly in one’s face.” (Woolf,87). My room at home differs from my room here at school, things seem so much quieter and calmer at home whereas here at school, things in my room are constantly getting lost because of the mess and what not, which then just gets my frustrated. “If we have what habit of freedom and the courage to write exactly what we think; if we escape a little from the common sitting rooms and see human beings not always in their relation to each other but in relation to reality” (Woolf,113) Virginia Woolf wants people to see the reality of things rather than judging someone on what sex they are or if they have a “room”. You need to reach outside your room, because if it is boring like she describes hers, then you need to find a way to succeed.

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