Wednesday, October 3, 2007

HW 17: My favorite blog post

When browsing through the different posts within the last week by Jezebel, one that caught my eye was a blog post called "Things I Could Do Without: Screaming During Fights Could Save Your Life. But is It Worth the Effort?"( I think the reason this first caught my eye was because it's a picture from a show that I often watch, so it caught my attention leading me to be interested and then read about it. When reading about what this post says, "in fights, some women tend to scream and cry and carry on. We always thought this was obnoxious and unseemly and a sign they needed drugs. But it turns out it could be saving their lives!” I felt that a lot of the time girls really do get very upset over fights and get emotional over them. I have to agree with the fact that maybe it could save your life. With men, I don't think they care as much when arguing, but women get very worked up over things, and you don't let out how you feel then it can cause a lot of stress, which over time can build up. Personally if I let out how I feel then I feel much better afterwards, I don't think that screaming is always the answer but a lot of them times people don't want to listen and its a way to get your point across. When looking at the comments, one woman replied "Nothing feels better in a moment of complete and smothering frustration then letting out a scream." and I have to say I agree with that at times, it really does feel good to just let it all out. The reason I like this post so much is because I can relate to it, and relate to what Jezebel is trying to say.

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