Monday, October 22, 2007

HW 23: What would Virginia Woolf think?

As it may be rather obvious, much of what I talk about is the inequality issues that involve men and women. Many of the things I’ve encountered have had to do with just how much women really are below men. The blog that I’ve been watching is Jezebel. The blog that I enjoyed reading the most was "What would you do if you were ditched for a younger woman?" ( What I enjoyed most about this post if the fact that its telling women not to let it get to them, focus on other things, forget about that guy, which is exactly why I enjoy watching jezebel so much, the woman empowerment is encourages. "I perfectly agree with you that no woman has no business to meddle with that or any other serious business, farther than giving her opinion (if she is ask'd)" (Woolf, 55). Jezebel is a way women for women to write freely about things they enjoy writing and reading about. Blogging in general is a great way for women to express their opinions freely and openly.

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