Wednesday, September 12, 2007

HW 6: Semester-Long Project Statement

When looking at the different topics for the research paper the ones that first caught my attention are Email and Email lists, instant messaging, and social networking services. The reason I was most interested in these is because I use them and feel most comfortable talking about them and being able to relate them. I’m sure that there are many things that I don’t know about them and don’t think about while using them, which makes me even more interested to find out more. When looking at the second category about types of empowerment it was a bit harder to choose because there weren’t many I knew much about, so I chose what would be most interesting to me. I ended up choosing overcoming racism, inequities in access to education, and issues of disabilities. I chose these three things because they most interest more and are the top three I would want to learn more about. As for places I chose the United States and Europe. I chose these two places because I live in the US and I’ve traveled to Europe a few times and I think it would be most interesting to compare these two places since there are many things that are already compared between these two.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Good, you're clear on what interests you.