Monday, October 29, 2007

HW 25: Baghdad Burning

When reading the Forward and Introduction of Baghdad Burning, I found that much of it opened up my eyes even with just reading the brief descriptions that were said. The Forward, was a short but informative description of the Blog by Riverbend, it is described as being “right inside the heart and mind of a young Baghdadi woman as she lives through the war”(Soueif, vii). Ahdaf Soueif quotes riverbend on many of the things she said while her time spent during the war. The forward also talks about how the book should shame those who looked down on Iraqi’s. The Introduction of Baghdad Burning goes into further detail about Riverbend, her experience, and her family. The intro proceeds to go into the detail about the war in Iraq. James Ridgeway talks about the affect that it had on people. Although I was not personally affected by this I still feel for anyone that was, so I think that it is going to be interesting to read the blog of Riverbend and look at things coming from her perspective and get more involved with her story.

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