Monday, October 8, 2007

HW 18: Whats More "Important" on Your Body?

I chose to write about the blog from Jezebel called "What's More 'Important'? Your Face Or Your Ass?" by DODAI. This post was saying that you basically have to choose weather you want to maintain a young looking face or an in shape body. DODAI says that " the "theory" assumes that as a woman gets older, she can either maintain her face or her body, but not both", the reason I chose to write about this post is because I disagree with it. I don't think woman have to choose between which they want to maintain. I have seen plenty of in shape women with "youthful" faces. I think the fact that there saying you can only maintain one or the other is a little ridiculous. Even if it was true, there are plenty of women out there who aren't necessarily slimmed down, but are still just as beautiful. In the they decided to use Teri Hatcher as someone who has chose "backside over beauty", but the only problem with this is that I don't see it. I find Teri Hatcher to be very pretty. The post calls women like Oprah "sitting beauties". I don’t think that this "theory" applies to all women, and that’s another issue I have with this post. It is making it seem as if this applies to all women, which almost seems impossible. When reading the comments on this post, many of the women choose face over body to begin with. Many women are just as happy with being "pleasantly plump" and having a young face, rather than having your back faced to someone why a young guy approaches you until you turn around and then he realizes how much of a mistake tapping you on the shoulder was.

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