Tuesday, December 4, 2007

HW 42

Hello, this is Kelly, and we are the Beta Pod from Keene State College ITW 101. We are using Baghdad Burning as a reference for this podcast.

Hi, this is Sarah. The passage that left the biggest impression on us from this weeks reading was found on page 262. Riverbend basically says that Bush gives repulsive speeches and is sheepish-however he makes an attempt to sound sincere. The people of Iraq are not big fans of President Bush.

Hi, this is Lori. Student next semester can expect to learn first hand what it was like living in Iraq during the war.

Hey, this is Hayley. The students can also learn from the book that what is shown on Television is not half as bad as it really is.

Hi, this is Emily. Thank you for listening to us, have an enjoyable evening! Peace out.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

HW 36: Beta Pod's Gabcast


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

HW 35: A letter to my Readers

All throughout the last semester, we spent time writing all sorts of blogs and discovering new things about technology that I never even knew about. Before coming into this class, the only time I ever heard about "blogs" was on My space, but I never actually used them, so I didn't know much about them, and now, I have my own blog. I've learned so much about mass media, technology, and just how much of a way blogging is used for communication. It is a way for people to express the way they feel and not worry about what others have to say or think. Which is what I feel the best about. I love that I can just write about how I feel about the reading and everything else we've dealt with and I don't have to worry if it’s right or wrong. I'm really sure what someone could learn from my blogs because there my opinions, but I hope that someone will gain some sort of knowledge from them. I haven't really decided if I’m going to keep my blogs or not because I’m not sure if they are something that I want to keep around. I don't think blogging is something that I’m going to stay with, but it is something that I’m glad I did. It is not something that I would have started on my own, and I don't think it will be something that I will continue on my own.

HW 34: Responding to Riverbend, "Cultural Literacy"

In Baghdad Burning, Riverbend talks about the role that gold plays with families. "Gold is a part of our culture and the roll it plays in 'family savings' has increased since 1990 when the Iraqi Dinar began fluctuating crazily" (Riverbend, 100). People were converting their money to gold, as ways to make items for sale, because the value of gold was something that wasn't going to change. Before the war hit, Iraqi's were withdrawing all their money to get gold. What I found most upsetting about this part of reading was when Riverbend talked about how troops took money from people's homes because they didn't think people like "that" owned gold.

In Iraq a garden isn't complete without a palm tree in it. "In the winter months, they act as 'resorts' for the exotic birds that flock to Iraq. We often see various species of birds roosting between the leaves, picking on the sweet dates and taunting the small boys below who can't reach the nests" (Riverbend, 103). There are more than 300 different types of dates, with all different characteristics, and have all different uses. They are used to make "dibiss", syrup that is eaten. "Khal" is also produced, olive oil that makes great seasoning. "Palm trees have represented the rugged, stoic beauty of Iraq. They are a reminder that no matter how difficult the circumstances, there is hope for life and productivity." (Riverbend, 105)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

HW 33: Responding to a Podcast

The first video pod cast I decided to write about was "Iraqi teens work the help their families" found at http://aliveinbaghdad.org/2007/10/15/iraqi-teens-work-to-help-their-families. This pod cast talks about teens in Iraq manage to want to help their families out despite all that goes on. They interview children of all different ages between the range of 11-17 and others. It talks about what its like for children living in the Iraqi world. Its hard to listen to what these kids have to say and how determined they how to help their families out, when they have so little. I know for my personally when I was little I loved helping my parents out with things but now it doesn't really occur to me, and for these kids it is a continuous thing and something that they want to do. One of goes to work every morning where its suppose to take 30 minutes but it takes an hour, just the determination of the fact that these kids put their lives at risk.

The next video I chose to write about was found at http://aliveinbaghdad.org/2007/08/20/syria-child-artist-dreams-of-return-to-iraq. Muhammad is a young boy artist who loves to draw, and started drawing before he started school. His father taught him how to paint and sketch. He likes painting thing from "Iraqi reality"; his dad first realized his talent when he was only four years old and living in Baghdad. He says, "Baghdad represents everything to me", because it was born there, it is a very important part of him. I really enjoy the fact that he is so young and yet really enjoys what he does and has such inspiration in his life to keep doing something he loves.

HW 32: Responding to Riverbend (Sep.19th-Oct.5th)

I chose to write about Akila Al-Hashimi. In the reading, on page 75 it opens with talks about someone attempt in taking Akila's life. She was leaving for work when two pick-up trucks open-fired on her randomly. People surrounding heard the gunshots and people around began shooting at each other. Akila was a member of the Iraq council and according to Riverbend, she meant well. What I found really interesting while reading this is something that Riverbend said, which was "no female is safe" (Riverbend, 75). Riverbend talks about how some people may have had a bitterness towards her and that maybe there was some sort of warning in which things could have been prevented if more people were there protecting her. It's interesting to see how people are so easily judged there because they aren't following a religion or aren't a certain sex.

HW 31: Responding to Riverbend

When doing the assigned reading I was interested in finding out a little more about who Ahmad Al-Chalabi is. In page 44 (Riverbend) it talks about how Chalabi "has finally achieved the epitome of his political aspirations". Chalabi is from a family of secular Shittes and is seen as being very optimistic. Chalabi is an Iraqi politician and the leader of the Iraqi national congress. He is the "Black Horse" that the United States wagered. He stood up for the Iraq liberation act. Most of the information that I found out was stuff about who he was and what he does and has done as a leader for the Iraqi people. This has to do with what were reading in the book right now because since he is an Iraqi leader, he obviously is an important role in what’s goes on in Iraq and has power over things, so its important to know who he is. The link that I found information on Chalabi gives some backround on him and then goes further into an interview. She talks about how she stays up to date with all his interviews and what not, which I find is important to know more about because, there’s a reason that she stays with them, and its probably a good one.